Wally's Big Adventures- 2002 and beyond.......

Contact Me Dammit!
Home | SE Asia 2011 | The Far North of the USA - ALASKA | The Great South West Odyssey - The USA and extras - 2007 | The Far East - of Europe and Hong Kong | PART 2 Moochooting | Part 1 - Moochooting Africa and Europe | Oktoberfest 2013, England and SIngapore | Where I Has Been | Contact Me Dammit! | 2014 World Odyssey...South America, Caribbean, Nth America, Europe, SE Asia

if ya want to get in touch with me, you can either yell obscenities really loudly right now and i'll come, or email me. I prefer the swearing myself.


Hope what you've seen hasnt been too boring, and come back again and track the progress of the almighty Adam on his all conquering tour.

Love Wally/Adam