Wally's Big Adventures- 2002 and beyond.......

Oktoberfest 2013, England and SIngapore

Home | SE Asia 2011 | The Far North of the USA - ALASKA | The Great South West Odyssey - The USA and extras - 2007 | The Far East - of Europe and Hong Kong | PART 2 Moochooting | Part 1 - Moochooting Africa and Europe | Oktoberfest 2013, England and SIngapore | Where I Has Been | Contact Me Dammit! | 2014 World Odyssey...South America, Caribbean, Nth America, Europe, SE Asia

PROST!!!! Wow...what an amazing experience - 5 days of the Munich Oktoberfest and i was, i admit a little shattered, but...WOW! Then to Manchester, London and surrounds and SIngapore..all in 3 weeks..crikey!!

Oktoberfest, England and Singapore 2014 Pictures - Click Here

After the initial attempt at Oktoberfest with Damon, Dougal and Mario in 2007, which frankly wasn't a fair crack at a festival that needs multiple days to get the full fun and amount of beer that is required to be drunk, a second (and definitely not final!) shot at true Oktoberfest legend status was attempted in 2013, along with fellow beer destroyers Dave "Prawn Trawler" Lawler and Leigh "Weeeeeeeky!" Weekes...here is how it panned out...

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